Transport and Logistics
Investment Group of companies of the
Republic of Kazakhstan

A subsidiary of PTC Holding in Shanghai has sent its first container train

The cargo with parts of JAC cars went along the route Hefei Bei – Dostyk – Round Field for assembly at Russian factories to the address of Hit Motors Rus LLC. Both own containers and attracted ones are involved in transportation. 2 trains were sent, each consisting of 55 containers (40 ft).
PTC Freight Agency (Shanghai) Co., Ltd was established in May 2023. The main activity is the organization of container transportation in the territory of the People’s Republic of China. The company is 100% owned by PTC Holding. The office in Shanghai will allow expanding transportation on the routes China-Russia, China-Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey/Europe, China-Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan and back.

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Clients and partners

«PTC Holding» LLP - is a transport and logistics investment group of companies, an international provider of integrated logistics services in the oil and gas and container sectors, the largest owner and operator of railway rolling stock and infrastructure in Central Asia. Provides a full range of transport and logistics services.

We create real value for our customers and partners through innovative solutions, sustainable results, and long-term growth..

PTC in numbers

15.6 million tons traffic volume of the year 2022
11438 units own
13724 units operating
1 place operational wagon fleet
in Central Asia
16 countries business
1446 human number of
16 enterprises in Kazakhstan, Russia, China, Uzbekistan
Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Turkey
Наши компании
АО “PotiTransTerminal”
PTC Freight Agency Co., Ltd