Transport and Logistics
Investment Group of companies of the
Republic of Kazakhstan


PTC Holding is taking all necessary preventive measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

“We reacted to the threat quite quickly. In the shortest possible time, internal documents regulating the work of the company and security measures during the state of emergency were prepared and published. The company quickly switched to a remote mode of operation in the cities of Astana and Almaty, and additional security measures were taken at the Holding’s production facilities,” said Alisher Limanov, Head of the Occupational Health and Safety Service.

According to him, the necessary protective equipment was purchased and distributed – gloves, antiseptics, masks for more than a thousand employees of the Holding Group of Companies. Contracts have been concluded for the provision of weekly disinfection services in the offices of administrative buildings and industrial premises in the regions. In the event that an employee is diagnosed with COVID-19, memos have been developed and an action algorithm has been approved for the management of the central office and subsidiaries, aimed at meeting production targets, using internal human resources, and recruiting additional staff.Due to timely PCR testing, the risk of infection among employees has been significantly reduced. Two-time body temperature measurement for pre-shift and post-shift examinations has been added to the current protocol of medical centers at the production sites of the holding’s subsidiaries. Medical staff monitors the health status of employees of subsidiaries on a daily basis.

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Clients and partners

«PTC Holding» LLP - is a transport and logistics investment group of companies, an international provider of integrated logistics services in the oil and gas and container sectors, the largest owner and operator of railway rolling stock and infrastructure in Central Asia. Provides a full range of transport and logistics services.

We create real value for our customers and partners through innovative solutions, sustainable results, and long-term growth..

PTC in numbers

15.6 million tons traffic volume of the year 2022
11438 units own
13724 units operating
1 place operational wagon fleet
in Central Asia
16 countries business
1446 human number of
16 enterprises in Kazakhstan, Russia, China, Uzbekistan
Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Turkey
Наши компании
АО “PotiTransTerminal”
PTC Freight Agency Co., Ltd