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Республики Казахстан

The first Kazakh container terminal will appear in the Georgian port of Poti

During a working visit to Georgia, the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan Marat Karabayev took part in the ceremony of laying a capsule at the site of the planned construction of a container terminal in the port of Poti, reports Kazpravda.kz

The new facility on the Georgian coast of the Black Sea will be built by the Kazakhstan transport and logistics investment group of companies PTC Holding.

The port terminal will be the first Kazakh infrastructure project implemented in one of the largest ports of Georgia.

The IIR indicated that it will contribute to increasing the volume of freight traffic on the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TMTM).

The implementation of the project will enter the active phase from September 2023. Construction will begin in October this year, commissioning is scheduled for 2024.

The terminal will be located on an area of 8 hectares, its capacity will be 80 thousand containers in 20-foot equivalent per year.

«The container terminal will allow Kazakh and Georgian businesses not only to participate in the formation of cargo flows, but also create favorable tariff conditions on this route. In addition, it should attract additional volumes of transit cargo through Kazakhstan and Georgia,» Karabayev said during the capsule laying ceremony.

The Minister also noted the successes achieved by the countries in the development of TMTM. He stressed that Kazakhstan has made great efforts to expand its transit potential.

«Such major infrastructure projects as the Kazakh-Chinese logistics center in the port of Lianyungang and the Khorgos – Eastern Gate dry port on the border with China have been commissioned, attention has been paid to the port infrastructure of Aktau and Kuryk on the Caspian Sea coast, an international transit corridor Western Europe – Western China has been built. At the moment, the second tracks are being built on the Dostyk – Moynty railway section with a length of 836 km,» the head of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan said.

«It is important to note that now the economic cooperation between Georgia and Kazakhstan is entering a new stage of development, and this is evidenced by the fact that the cargo turnover between the countries in 2022 amounted to $ 3 million, and over the past year it has tripled. In this sense, for the correct and competent development of relations and potential, it is absolutely necessary to develop infrastructure in terms of logistics of cargo transportation,» Levan Davitashvili, Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, argued in turn.

Chairman of the Management Board of PTC Holding Timur Karabayev added that the future terminal in Poti will become a reference point for TMTM, which is extremely important for Kazakhstani enterprises in terms of diversification of logistics routes.



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АО «PotiTransTerminal»
PTC Freight Agency Co., Ltd