инвестиционная группа компаний
Республики Казахстан


Today the group of «SilkwayTransit» LLP at the railway station «Nurly-Zhol» has solemnly launched a new electric locomotive of the series 2ES7 «Black granite» produced at the plant «Ural locomotives» (Russian Federation, enters the holding of JSC «Sinara — Transport Machines»). The first batch of 3 electric locomotives is already in Kazakhstan, the remaining 19 will be delivered in the near future. This is one of the largest contracts for the supply of traction rolling stock between Kazakhstan and Russia. The event is timed to coincide with the Day of the First President and the 30th anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan.

According to the Association of Kazakhstan Freight Railway Carriers of Kazakhstan, today the deterioration of the locomotive park of Kazakhstan is more than 75%. Most locomotives with a service life of more than 25 years from the date of manufacture are on the way. The number of electric locomotives with a service life of up to 10 years is insignificant and accounts for about 20% of the total.

Given that the main part of Kazakhstan’s locomotive fleet is represented by worn-out equipment, its renewal is a fundamental factor in the development of the railway industry. Today we are witnessing a rapid development of the freight transport market. The quality and safety of the services rendered are at the forefront, — said member of the Presidium of the NPP RK «Atameken» Daniyar Abulgazin.

As Daniyar Abulgazin noted, the process of liberalizing the freight transport market initiated by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is beginning to bear fruit. And as a result today — the launch and operation in Kazakhstan of locomotives with innovative units.

It is important that in Kazakhstan comes the most modern equipment that is on the market today. These locomotives will increase the volume of freight transportation, reduce the electricity consumption for traction of trains and improve traffic safety», — said Daniyar Abulgazin.

The domestic Group of Companies SilkwayTransit, in the person of a subsidiary of LLP «TTT Service», rendering services of locomotive traction and cargo transportation, has invested in the railway industry. The company is one of the first private cargo carriers in Kazakhstan, which currently has a fleet of more than 50 units, the geography of transportation covers almost all regions of the country. The manufacturer of two-section electric locomotives 2ES7 is the «Ural locomotives» factory — joint venture of the largest Russian machine-building holding JSC «Sinara — Transport Machines» and the German conglomerate Siemens.

«Locomotive «Black Granite» is equipped with asynchronous traction drive, which provides high traction force, which allows you to drive trains weighing up to 9 thousand. tons and overcome the limiting rises and protracted slopes. These characteristics will make it possible to significantly increase the capacity of the main railway traffic of Kazakhstan. Every new car that comes onto the railways has to bring something new. I hope that «Black Granite» will bring new quality and consumers will be satisfied with the services of the carrier», — the president of the group «SINARA» (RF) Dmitry Pumpyansky.

In order to organize the operation of new electric locomotives, 25 drivers of «SilkwayTransit» group passed a special training course at the «Ural locomotives» factory. The new electric locomotives are planned to be used on the load-bearing sections of Karaganda — Nur-Sultan — Pavlodar and Shymkent — Almaty.

For information:

LLP «SilkwayTransit» — Kazakhstan Group of Companies, rendering services of locomotive traction and cargo transportation, warranty and service maintenance of locomotives, manufacturing and repair of spare parts, components, parts, technological equipment for locomotives.

«Sinara-Transport Machines», STM — Divisional Machine-Building Holding of the Sinara Group, unites scientific and technical and industrial potential of Russian enterprises in engineering, production, service maintenance of railway machinery and diesel industrial installations. Also provides traction services, rental of locomotives and track equipment, contains railway tracks and infrastructure.

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