инвестиционная группа компаний
Республики Казахстан

PTC Holding has started construction of a multimodal terminal in Georgia

Today, a capsule laying ceremony was held in Poti in honor of the start of construction of the multi-modal terminal of Hanti Transterminal JSC. The ceremony of laying the capsule was attended by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic and Sustainable Development of Georgia Levan Davitashvili and Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan Marat Karabayev, as well as businessmen of the two countries.

According to PTC Holding, the company has completed the dismantling of structures on the territory of the multimodal terminal planned for construction in the port of Poti (Georgia) and is starting construction work.

«From September 2023, the project will enter the active phase, and commissioning is planned in the 1st quarter of 2024,» said Olzhas Arykbayev, Development Director of PTC Holding.

To implement the project, a joint venture of JSC «Roti Transterminal» was created, in which the Kazakh side, represented by PTC Holding, and Georgian partners each own 50 percent of the shares. The estimated cost of the project at the moment is about 15-20 million US dollars. The terminal will be located on an area of 8 hectares, and its capacity at the first stage will be 80 thousand containers (in 20-foot equivalent) per year. The construction start date is scheduled for September 2023, and the end date is in February 2024.

«The construction of the port terminal will be the first Kazakh infrastructure project implemented in Poti, one of the largest ports of Georgia, which is a reference point on the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TMTM), which is extremely important for Kazakhstani enterprises in the current geopolitical situation in the world, as well as for the diversification of logistics routes,» the Chairman of the Management Board saidPTC Holding» Timur Karabaev.
The launch ceremony of the practical implementation of the project was attended by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic and Sustainable Development of Georgia Levan Davitashvili and Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan Marat Karabayev, as well as representatives of major Kazakh exporting companies.

«It is important to note that now the economic cooperation between Georgia and Kazakhstan is entering a new stage of development and this is evidenced by the fact that in 2022 the cargo turnover between the countries amounted to $ 3 million and tripled over the past year. In this sense, for the proper and competent development of relationships and potential, it is absolutely necessary to develop infrastructure in terms of logistics of cargo transportation,» Levan Davitashvili commented.

In turn, the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan Marat Karabayev noted that Kazakhstan now pays special attention to the development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route.

«Kazakhstan should become a transit hub for the transportation of goods from China to the EU and back. Such projects will contribute to this. It is especially pleasant that the Kazakh company goes beyond the country’s markets and participates in the development of the port of Poti. Kazakhstan will have its own terminal in Georgia and this is a continuation of Kazakhstan’s policy on the development of TMTM,» Marat Karabayev stressed.


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АО «PotiTransTerminal»
PTC Freight Agency Co., Ltd
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