инвестиционная группа компаний
Республики Казахстан


Arman Baubekov, the tanker washer of LLP «Batys Petroleum took part in the «Professional» project. This is a show of the TV channel «Astana» among specialists of working professions.
«Work takes most of my life» — said Arman. «The only way to enjoy work is to love it». It was the love of his work and profession that allowed Arman Baubekov to enter the semi-finals of the project.
In the qualifying round Armand acquainted the jury and TV viewers with the process of cleaning the tank cars. And colleagues told about his high authority at the enterprise: At the replacement of Arman there is never a low-quality work done. The guys from the Armand Brigade are very organized».

In the semi-final, another task was set — to carry out the cleaning of tanks earlier and qualitatively. It takes an hour to wash and clean the tanks, but Armand finished the job even earlier and completed a difficult task. As a rule, the Armand brigade, which prepares 40 cars per day, to participate in the competition, in half a day prepared 60 tank cars.
Of course, this work requires clarity and diligence, adherence to strict safety rules, as cars carry flammable petroleum products. Tank wagons with a capacity of 60 tonnes may leave carbon monoxide after release. For a person who cleans a tank, there is a high risk to life.
Armand’s work is dangerous and responsible. I believe that the washers are highly professional in their business», — commented one of the jury, Valery Sitdikov (Member of the Central Committee of Trade Unions of the Republican Association «KazEnergo Trade Union»).
The jury evaluated Armand’s skills, but scores were not enough to pass to the next round.
PTC Holding team congratulates Arman Baubekov! We wish you continued success in your career and good health!

Links to the selection and semi-finals of the TV project «Professional»:

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