инвестиционная группа компаний
Республики Казахстан


PTC Holding was one of the partners of Argus Oil Products Russia and CIS 2019 XII International Conference.

Trends that impact development of domestic and export oil market in CIS in 2019 was the main focus of Argus Oil Products Russia and CIS 2019 XII International Conference on November 10-11 in Moscow.

The participants of the conference were key oil producers, trade experts, and representatives of transport companies and government bodies of Post-Soviet countries. PTC Holding LLP performed as conference’s official partner, and the company’s representatives attended several panel sessions of the conference.

Key conference topics included prospective short-term and long-term changes in the oil market. Also, the present and future of the Russian oil refining industry, and industry regulation trends and their consequences were under detailed examination.

Other topics for discussion were the impact of IMO 2020 on the oil product market, global oil product market condition and the global development of oil refining forecast, as well as the future of markets such as the change in balance of light and dark oil products in particular.

The conference participants shared views on the introduction of digital technologies as a means of long-term competitiveness in the market, discussed new tax realities and their impact on oil refining, the first results of the tax manoeuvre in Russia and possible adjustments, as well as oil products markets of neighbouring countries.

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«PTC Holding» - транспортно-логистическая инвестиционная группа компаний, международный провайдер комплексных логистических услуг в нефтегазовой и контейнерной сферах, крупнейший собственник и оператор железнодорожного подвижного состава и инфраструктуры в странах Центральной Азии. Оказывает полный спектр транспортно-логистических услуг.

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PTC в цифрах

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7 контейнерных поездов максимальная скорость перегруза на ст.Достык в сутки
15% доля в контейнерном грузообороте через Казахстан в 2024 году
14376 единиц общий парк вагонов
14,8 млн тонн нефтепродуктов перевезено в 2024 году
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221000 ДФЭ перегружено на терминале на ст.Достык в 2024 году
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PTC Freight Agency Co., Ltd
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