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Республики Казахстан


Under conditions of military operations on the territory of Ukraine and sanctions against Russia, the former logistical corridor through these countries has practically been stopped. New ways of solving the problem are looking forwarders together. New and old, but now more relevant transport corridors are discussed at the international exhibition TransRussia in Moscow, reports the correspondent «Khabar 24». This year TransRussia International Trade Fair is held without participants from Europe and the USA. And other players of the market urgently agree on new ways of supply of goods. Since the beginning of Russian military operations in Ukraine, the transit of goods through these countries has become practically impossible. For carriers, the most important thing now is to avoid disruption of logistics chains and to ensure security of supply.

Timur Karabayev, Chairman of the Management Board of Transport and Infrastructure Company w/d of Kazakhstan:

— The Ukrainian transit stopped. Today the active corridor of the Eurasian space, which makes OTLK «Era» through Dostyk — Altynkol and Brest — Malashevich, it works. The rest of the corridors are still standing. The situation is not easy. And in this situation, no one knows how to properly build trade routes, transport routes. There is no clear answer as to what actions may lead to sanctions, what actions will not lead to sanctions. Today, it is an opportunity for Kazakh business to build its strong right chain, using Kazakh assets. We’re talking transhipment terminals, cargo rolling stock, locomotives.

New crossings should satisfy, on the one hand, the cost, speed and security of cargo holders and recipients, and, on the other hand, should bear the minimum risk of being subject to secondary sanctions. Kazakhstan’s transit and export cargo is now being redirected to the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route. Agreements with new foreign partners are being actively built.

Julia Shabanova, Director of the Greek Multimodal Transport Company:

— One of these transitions is the use of TMT. The international corridor, which was launched and built under the auspices of the Kazakh railway. It is time to use it to its full potential. It passes through Kuryk through the Caspian Sea, then you can go by sea to Europe or from Kuryk through Batumi to Baku — Tbilisi — Kars. Come to Turkey, to Istanbul or Mersin. These are the corridors we now implement.

Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey have already agreed to establish a joint company, similar to the United Transport and Logistics Company established by Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus. It is also planned to establish a container hub on the basis of the Free Economic Zone of Aktau to increase the flow of cargo along the trans-Caspian route.

Source: https://24.kz/ru/news/economyc/item/538918-novye-logisticheskie-koridory-obsuzhdayut-gruzoperevozchiki

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