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Республики Казахстан

Arman Baubikov will prove that «Golden Hands of the Country» work in PTC Holding

Arman Baubikov is a washer-steamer of LLP «Batys Petroleum», participates in the television show «Professional». It’s kind of a talent show for professionals in the working world. Participants from all over Kazakhstan will have to prove that they are true masters of their business. The show has three stages. In the final jury will determine 12 nominees and one winner, who will receive a million tenge. Kazakhstanis will see the TV version of the project in autumn on Astana TV.

Filming for the competition took place at Batys Petroleum, where the creative team captured the entire work process of the hero. Arman Baubikov shared the first experience of «working on the camera», and told why his profession is considered one of the most dangerous.

— Arman, tell me about yourself?

— I’m 33 years old, I’m from Astrakhan. I have been working in the railway industry for more than 12 years, including 8 years as a washer-steamer at Batys Petroleum Cleaning Plant (PPS).

— The work of tanker washers is very specific and very physically complex. What exactly is your job?

— Our main purpose is the comprehensive preparation and repair of tank wagons for the carriage of petroleum products before delivery to the access roads. In addition, we collect petroleum products from the preparation of tanks for filling and repair, prepare wagons from the transport of liquefied gases for scheduled repairs, treatment of internal surfaces and external washing of tanks and equipment. And to descend into the boiler tank — perhaps the heaviest and most dangerous job.

Since childhood I dreamed of working on the railway because it is a man’s job that requires skill and physical strength. I am sure that I have made the right choice of profession and will achieve success in this field».

— Have you ever done one of these before?

— No, this is my first experience. Shooting took place two days. The guys from the creative team are professionals in their field. Shot the whole process of washing, steaming and repairing tank wagons from A to Z.

Earlier I could not imagine that a guy from a simple family would be able to participate in a professional television competition. I am grateful to my fate, my leadership and colleagues for the opportunity to tell about my work, which I value and treasure at the republican level. I hope I did it well.

— How did your family react to the show?

— My family is thrilled, and they’re thrilled to have the head of the family spotted in the company and invited to the shoot.

— Arman, the entire PTC Holding team will support and support you! We wish you good health and success!

— Thank you! I always feel support from our united team. All colleagues wish health, good luck and success in everything!

The slogan of the program «Golden Hands of the Country» confirms the truth that the Man of Labor — it sounds proud.

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