The shipment was carried out by PTC Holding
Today in the first half of the day, the first train with products set off from the new plant of Kazakhstan — the gas chemical complex of Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc LLP. 62 containers with 1.5 thousand tons of polypropylene go to China.
The organization of the shipment of this cargo was handled by PTC Holding. The largest
The operator of railway transport and infrastructure of Kazakhstan is the main contracting organization of the plant «KPI Inc.» for logistics, shipment of polypropylene and receipt of propane is. KPI Inc. LLP and PTC Holding LLP have signed a contract until 2026. For its execution, PTC Holding opened its own representative office in Atyrau. 30 new employees have been hired. The receipt of propane has been carried out since December 2021 and throughout all the commissioning works of the plant. Thanks to more than 20 years of experience in providing transport and logistics services, PTC Holding has built from scratch, together with the plant, all the processes related to the acceptance of dangerous cargo — propane and timely dispatch of finished products – polypropylene. In order to comply with all safety rules and regulations, the necessary documents were agreed and approved with JSC NC KTZ.
By the end of 2022, it is expected to send about 54 thousand tons of finished products or 37 container trains. According to the plans of KPI Inc. LLP, 550,000 tons of propane supplied by TCO LLP and the production of more than 500,000 tons of polypropylene are planned annually.
The Head of State opened the gas chemical complex on November 8.