инвестиционная группа компаний
Республики Казахстан


PTC Cargo has become a partner of the largest joint transport and logistics company — the Eurasian Railway Alliance.

On the eve of the signing of an agreement under which PTC Cargo becomes a forwarder of JSC «OTLK-EPA» in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the organization of container trains on the route China-Europe-China with the use of its own terminal capacity for transhipment of goods to Kazakhstan. Dostyk.

General Director Alexey Grom was present at the signing from «OTLK-EPA» JSC. The interests of «PTC Cargo» LLP were represented by CEO Shyngys Tuleushin. According to him, within the framework of this contract «PTC Cargo» will provide services on formation and consolidation of container trains on the regular route China-Europe-China, as well as implement a comprehensive service on prior notification, collection and processing of customs and transport documents.

For the information, «OTLK-EPA» was created by the railway administrations of three countries — Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus. The founders of the alliance are: National Company «Kazakhstan temir zholy», OJSC Russian Railways and Belarusian Railway, each having 33.33% of shares. As a result of May 2021, the volume of container traffic on the route China-Europe-China in the transit services «OTLK-EPA» made a record 61.4 thousand. DFE. The total volume of traffic since the beginning of the year exceeded 274 thousand. TEU, which is 60% higher than the same figure last year.

The representatives of JSC «OTLK-EPA» at Dostyk station were demonstrated the functionalities of the newest freight terminal, which is managed by «PTC Cargo». Today, it is able to carry out the transfer of up to 80 thousand. containers per year (the capacity of the 1st turn). The first 30 container trains have already passed through the terminal in the direction of China-Europe. The final capacity of the terminal will be 700 thousand TEU, which will significantly increase the capacity and competitiveness of the route through the Dostyk station on the Kazakh part of the China-Europe transit.



For information: PTC Cargo LLP, a subsidiary of PTC Holding, is the management company of the cargo handling terminal. The company owns 600 fittings. In the direction of China-Europe, 5-6 international container trains are trans-shipped daily.

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PTC в цифрах

16 компаний входят в состав группы компаний
6 стран Казахстан, Китай, Узбекистан, Кыргызстан, Грузия и Турция
1484 количество персонала в 13 городах
40% доля терминала по перевозке контейнеров на ст.Достык в 2023 году
13% доля в контейнерном грузообороте через Казахстан в 2023 году
13313 единиц общий парк вагонов
14 млн тонн нефтепродуктов перевезено в 2023 году
1556 контейнерных поездов отправлено с терминала в 2023 году
169000 ДФЭ перегружено на терминале на ст.Достык в 2023 году
Наши компании
АО «PotiTransTerminal»
PTC Freight Agency Co., Ltd