инвестиционная группа компаний
Республики Казахстан

Erbol Sultankulov

Sultankulov Erbol

He was appointed Director of Information Technology at Petroleum LLP in 2024.

In the period from 2022 to 2024, he held the position of head of the information and analytical department at Petroleum LLP.

From 2019 to 2022, he worked as an analyst in the information and analytical department of Petroleum LLP.

From 2017 to 2019, he held the position of an electromechanic at the site of the guaranteed power supply system at KGP «Metro».

He began his career in the municipal state enterprise «Metropolitan». In the period from 2011 to 2017, he held various positions, starting from an electrician at the automation and telemechanics section of train traffic and ending with an electronics engineer in the department of automated traffic control systems.

He completed his doctoral studies at the Academy of Logistics and Transport with a degree in Automation and Management.

He received a master’s degree from the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M. Tynyshpaev, specializing in Automation and Management.

He graduated from the D.A. Kunaev Eurasian Law Academy with a degree in Jurisprudence.

He graduated from the Almaty University of Energy and Communications with a degree in Automation and Management.

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PTC в цифрах

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6 стран Казахстан, Китай, Узбекистан, Кыргызстан, Грузия и Турция
1484 количество персонала в 13 городах
40% доля терминала по перевозке контейнеров на ст.Достык в 2023 году
13% доля в контейнерном грузообороте через Казахстан в 2023 году
13313 единиц общий парк вагонов
14 млн тонн нефтепродуктов перевезено в 2023 году
1556 контейнерных поездов отправлено с терминала в 2023 году
169000 ДФЭ перегружено на терминале на ст.Достык в 2023 году
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PTC Freight Agency Co., Ltd
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