инвестиционная группа компаний
Республики Казахстан


Almaty continues the work of the III International Conference «Market of Transport and Logistics», which is held within the framework of the 24th Kazakhstan International Exhibition «Transport and Logistics». The speakers paid attention to the topic of railroad primers, namely the improvement of transit in rail transport.

The pandemic and its aftermath have disrupted transport and logistics supply chains, putting critical pressure on the global economy today. In this context, the issue of ensuring smooth, quality and safe transport is of particular importance.

To date, Kazakhstan’s fleet of locomotives is 71% represented by old worn-out equipment. Since 2010, the general market of the locomotive fleet has been updated by 22% with new locomotives, of which 10% is the contribution of our company to the acquisition of new locomotives» — said TTT Service Beyxenov Berik Serikovich in his report at the conference.
The TTT Service has 55 units. Of these, 16 main diesel locomotives, 25 main electric locomotives, and 14 shunting locomotives.
Berik Baisexenov shared that the company has purchased and is already servicing the transportation of 4 new shunting locomotives series TEM-14, as well as 22 electric locomotives series 2ES7. The special feature of these electric locomotives is the integrated asynchronous traction drive of SIEMENS, which allows to transport heavy freight trains weighing up to 9 thousand tons.
TTT Service started its activity in 2012 as a locomotive traction operator. Since 2018, the Company has gained access to OLS and began to provide services for the transportation of goods. Zh.d. Since then, the Company has been actively renovating its own locomotive traction fleet.
TTT Service and PTC Holding have been cooperating for many years and contribute to the effective development of the freight transport market w/d.


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«PTC Holding» - транспортно-логистическая инвестиционная группа компаний, международный провайдер комплексных логистических услуг в нефтегазовой и контейнерной сферах, крупнейший собственник и оператор железнодорожного подвижного состава и инфраструктуры в странах Центральной Азии. Оказывает полный спектр транспортно-логистических услуг.

Мы создаем реальную ценность для наших клиентов и партнеров с помощью инновационных решений, устойчивых результатов и долгосрочного роста.

PTC в цифрах

16 компаний входят в состав группы компаний
6 стран Казахстан, Китай, Узбекистан, Кыргызстан, Грузия и Турция
1484 количество персонала в 13 городах
40% доля терминала по перевозке контейнеров на ст.Достык в 2023 году
13% доля в контейнерном грузообороте через Казахстан в 2023 году
13313 единиц общий парк вагонов
14 млн тонн нефтепродуктов перевезено в 2023 году
1556 контейнерных поездов отправлено с терминала в 2023 году
169000 ДФЭ перегружено на терминале на ст.Достык в 2023 году
Наши компании
АО «PotiTransTerminal»
PTC Freight Agency Co., Ltd
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